viernes, 24 de abril de 2009


iaIr menachem, 1994

let's spend the night together sigue diciendo mick jagger tantos años después mientras se reconcilia con su esposa de siempre y se va de vacaciones en familia. let's borrow from the night the time and the power, my love, let's take beauty juices from the smell of the moon, let's play soul, let's play -souls, just souls- just closing noise inthrough deepest waters, outhrough the availability of sacred single scream to stop crying once again, to avoid at least the ethernity to babel's languages and cross sights beyond the mirrors of the sea. let's play the sea spending togetherness by the night, let's teach our night to make love itself while we -souls, just souls- keep smiling instead of keeping laugh alive, let's go together to be spent by night and day as warriors of some private heaven, let's spend our sacred energies to run out from all this. I'm at the sea shore, closed in a deep car afraid of anyone. let's spend ourselves through night and mare, let's be there where my eyes don't see me any less than why to try what, what to try when it's everything in it's place and it's just to let us spend the time, just time -just souls-, just together while just together makes sense. keep quiet for a single while, I'm getting there, it's really here, just keep eyes widely wisely open and feel me, spending efforts of silence passing over uncoloured waters coming to your lips. let's spend our mouths -souls, just souls- togheter love, let's avoid from our language to lie. let's lie on ground and sea, let's dissapear just in the face of all of them, let's teach them their noises' cage doesn't stop our lips from silence, since -souls, just souls- we are together from ever, and being spent by the night is a religious gateway to the peacefully face of real life.

darling, estamos enfermos de la licuadora de idiomas, de la licuadora mediática, de la licuadora de cosas, de la licuadora de ruido, de la licuadora de puras licuadoras que se estiran enclavadas en nuestros cráneos como los clavos del aviso de geniol. darling we are the loneliness happy scream that almost anyone is finally able to desire. "átame átame" se dicen los unos a los otros ante las puertas del mar embravecido con miedo a (querer) caer, con el mismo maldito miedo a la entrega que prefigura la necesidad de un apocalipsis desde el inicio mismo porque no hay otra vía para el orgasmo ni otra vía que el orgasmo para resolver toda esta confusión.

are we together, are we a means of reverse mirror of normal insanity. are we the temptation of not being temptated any more.

no te dejes engañar amor más por estas lides y carreras y llamados y convocatorias y discursos que se repliegan y enmadejan y entrenudan y se enhiben y se rotan y se tocan.... y cuando se tocan es ahí donde llega el pavor de tocar algo que no está que no hay, dedos que se hunden en lo inerte del escalofrío porque nada tiene que hacer el fuego entre la flaccidez de las lujurias contradictorias a ras de piel, de las estúpidas fugacidades que contradicen la pasión del mar y de la luna, y del sol que rompe los ojos de los que miran hacia fuera y desconocen.

let's spend the life, my love, let's spend the life -souls, just souls- together dejando que se expanda como plasma luminoso el aura de amor desbordante que nos hace sabios.

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